consultation is presented in a dog with hemorrhagic cystitis, ie, blood in the urine. Within
normal diagnostic protocol radiography was performed in latero-lateral projection. This:
Do we diagnose?
No, obviously not. Do not forget that the film is a two-dimensional projection of a three-dimensional, and that the white color we can see at a particular point is a sum of radio-opacity of all layers of tissue that passes through the beam incident on that point of the plate.
owners complain about the price X-rays, but what we had inferred from the case without this second projection (dorsal-ventral)?:
The foreign body (which incidentally is a lead bullet from the gun of a neighbor's little lover animals) was not lodged in the bladder as it might seem, but under the skin. And the hematuria had nothing to do with him. What things eh?.
(Thanks to Victor disinterested for the transfer of the artwork on this post)