Thursday, February 11, 2010

Diagram For French Bikini Wax

Stuttering may be genetic


the causes of stuttering have been a mystery to scientists, but now a new study failed to identify genes that could cause the problem in some individuals.


causes stuttering repetition of sounds, syllables and words and fluent speech difficult.

Researchers at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD, for its acronym in English) in the United States say they found mutations that affect the way parts of the brain function and could be the source of stuttering in some individuals.

These mutations had been associated with rare metabolic disorders, scientists say in New England Journal of Medicine (Journal of Medicine New England).

They hope the discovery will lead to new ways to treat this disorder that affects about 1% of the adult population worldwide.

People with stuttering repeated or prolonged sounds, syllables or words when trying to speak, interrupting the normal flow of language.

disorder severely affects communication skills and quality of life of sufferers.

With early treatment of children who stutter may overcome the problem. But for adults are based therapies in reducing anxiety and the regulation of breathing to enhance the speech. Mystery

"For hundreds of years the cause of stuttering has been a mystery for researchers and health professionals," says Dr. James Battey, director of NIDCD.

"This is the first study to identify genetic mutations specific as a potential cause of stuttering, a problem that affects three million Americans. "

" We hope that the finding could lead to a significant expansion of our treatment options, "says the scientist.

was long has been known that stuttering may occur in several members of the same family and so scientists suspected that the disorder had a genetic component.

In new research, scientists analyzed the genes of 123 individuals and 96 Pakistanis who do not stutter stuttered, and 270 Americans and Britons who stutter and 276 who did not have the disorder.

found that one in 10 of the individuals who stutter had a mutation in one of three genes they identified.


The disorder may be caused by a defect in brain neuronal circuits.

Two of these, called GNPTG GNPTAB and have already been linked to a number of rare metabolic disorders in which the components of the cells are "recycled" effectively.

These disorders, called storage diseases lysosomal cause a buildup of a potentially dangerous substance that can cause problems in most of the body including the brain.

If a person has one of these defective genes requires two copies for developing the metabolic disorder, and one of these copies appear to be related to stuttering. Treatment

The third gene involved, which is closely related to the other two, also found in participants who stutter.

lysosomal storage diseases, which can cause problems in the joints, skeleton, heart and brain can be treated by injecting an artificial enzyme in the bloodstream of the individual who replaces the natural enzyme that the body can not produce.

Scientists believe that if it is confirmed that stuttering is a product of the same defect, the disorder may respond to the same treatment.

Other experts have welcomed the finding.

"This is the latest in a series of recent discoveries suggest that the physiological cause of stuttering is a sign that, for some reason, the speech neural circuits in the brain are not connected properly," he told the BBC Norbert Lieckfeldt, director of the British Association for Stuttering.

"This is a huge relief for people who stutter and often face teasing and bullying, something that does not happen, for example, those disabled motor" -

"In addition to finding new forms of treatment, hope this study will help us to identify children at risk of persistent stuttering and that only early intervention can have a chance to recover a fluent speech, "said the expert.

* From: Bbc World.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Does A Ringworm Look When It's Healing

Beer can help keep bones strong

Researchers at the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California found that beer is a rich source of silicon and can help prevent osteoporosis, because this chemical is a key for increase bone mineral density.

These are the conclusions drawn after researchers tested 100 brands of beer to measure their silicon content, and categorized by the type and source of beer.

Previous research suggested that beer contained silicon, but little was known about whether this component varied depending on the types and malting.

"We examined a wide variety of types of beer for their silicon content and study the impact of raw substances and processes on the amount of chemical present in beer and fermented malt," said researcher Charles Bamforth said in a statement.

The study, published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that the silicon content of beer varied between 6.4 and 56.5 milligrams (mg) per liter . Daily consumption of silicon per person is between 20 and 50 mg.


  • Lagers, contained the highest content of silicon, while those who do not carry alcohol, "light" and wheat were the parts that lacked it.
  • Beer contains high levels of malted barley and hops are the richest in silica, Bamforth said.
Source: PerĂ¹

Thursday, February 4, 2010 Taken Down November

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Clear Particles In Urine

The world's largest insect

The World's Largest insect measures 56.6 centimeters
The Natural History Museum in London has the largest known specimen of this new species

The world's largest insect, the Phobaeticus chani, was presented yesterday at the Natural History Museum in London.

from Borneo, the Phobaeticus chani, a stick insect that measures 56.6 inches long with a body of 35.7 centimeters, 2.9 centimeters taller than the previous largest known specimen The Phobaeticus kirbyi, also from Borneo.

A little-known specimen, of which people have found only three specimens.

"It's a shame that many other species spectacular insects are disappearing as their habitats are destroyed and before we have time to find and catalog them, "lamented George Beccaloni, head of the stick insect collection of the museum.

As an anecdote to highlight how insect egg in the form of capsules with wing-shaped protrusions that facilitate its spread by wind.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 5 Cellular Respiration A

saliva prevents tooth decay

According to some experts, people with an impaired secretion saliva, which is characterized by the "dry mouth" have an increased risk of dental caries than those with higher salivary flow.

How important role meets the saliva in your mouth? Saliva plays an important role in natural defense against caries, it dilutes and removes sugars and keeps the PH of the mouth. One dentist said that thanks to its alkaline pH, dragging the remains of food left in the mouth, neutralizes acids produced by plaque and contributes to the teeth the calcium and phosphate needed in a process known as remineralization.

"In addition, saliva acts as a reservoir for fluoride helping to reduce tooth decay, is responsible for help the process of chewing and digestion of food and also protects the inner surface of the mouth and teeth, "he added.

Age, sex, number of teeth, dehydration, mouth breathing or psychological issues such as stress can reduce the flow of the salivary glands.
this variation also often the result of "systemic diseases that cause progressive destruction of the salivary glands, most notably dementia or taking certain medications," he said.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Boat Dash Board Wiring

the iPhone that saved a life in Haiti

Dan Woolley, American filmmaker, was in Port-au-Prince, making a documentary about poverty in Haiti, where he was surprised by the great earthquake, while he was in his hotel, being buried all the rubble around him.

Being under all his words, cried out to God, praying to get out of that place and return to his family. Later, Dan Wolley, with its iPhone and a reflex camera, could light up a little space that was about, reaching the interior of an elevator, and in this way to be safe.

Then he was very helpful to follow the application instructions first aid he had in his iPhone , succeeded in selling his leg and stop bleeding from a wound in his head.

Applying your iPhone informed about the possibility of going into shock. After 65 hours, the story ends with a happy ending to a rescue team to enter the area where Dan was Woolley.
