little ago talking about the blunder of a professor of physiology on the definition of clitoris, and how dangerous are the findings biased. Actually, my biggest surprise came from the forum in which that statement was, as it is a fact that the inclination macho society has been projected in many areas, but is primed especially female sexuality, the pathophysiology of sociology. And
is no need to go back to Freud and origin "cancer" of the word hysteria ... is much closer than this: When someone tells a child that there are differences "down there", usually be something like this:
And that you have there is the tail. The girls have no tail but have a hole.
Do you find a bug in the previous discussion? Has anyone ever heard a child tell his genitals, saying he has no clitoris, but has a bag with two balls? It is equivalent.
And this is where I contradict the observers: "A penis," says this school of thought, is much more obvious to see that a clitoris, and that is why an explanation and " Vale. Well. And the teeth are much more obvious to see that the wheels, why not stop telling a child that has both.
But there's more: daddy puts
a seed in mom, and that seed grows and grows inside your tummy, even when it is ready, a baby born from it.
live the "moms-pot" enriched mitochondrial DNA!
And, even in something as seemingly trivial, has canceled all maternal contribution, aside from his role in nurturing machine. An embryo is formed from a zygote, a cell formed by half of the chromosomes of potato, and half of the chromosomes from mom. What is the difference? Well, mom is sighted, and puts their chromosomes in a single cell, full of nutrients, huge, and so protected, Dad (Which is also sighted) has to spend all their energy into making many cells and very mobile, so that at least one arrives. So far, the contribution of both is exactly the same.
But to be a dad, and single dad who "decide" the sex of the embryo (talking about mammals), as all eggs carry an X chromosome breast, while among the sperm of Dad, will you carry X and who carry Y.
only will mom and mother who shall transmit the mitochondrial DNA, which therefore propagates through the mother (grandmother, mother, daughter ...)
When egg and sperm fuse, also do their pronuclei, with your copy (each 50%) of the genetic material of the future embryo. Sexual reproduction has many advantages, such as invalid or replace damaged genes, while in other cases, the two versions of the same gene can undergo phenomena of dominance-recessive or codominance, to model the phenotype of future living.
However, in addition to energy reserves for the early stages of the embryo in the egg is also the "machinery" necessary to take advantage: the mitochondria. These remarkable organelles are not entirely dependent kernel for replication, but travel with their own genetic material and may be considered independently of the cell to which they belong, probably because of its origin (endosymbiont theory Lynn Margulis)
Since this genetic material is transmitted in full from one parent (the mother) is very suitable for tracking sources species, common ancestry and migration.
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