One of the things that frustrates us greatly to be studying veterinary medicine (or having completed), is that everyone remembers you when your pets are sick (well, it's a step, I give advice whenever I can, but imposition of and without instrumental hands can not even diagnose or cure, and most of the time my best advice is to be taken to a clinic), and yet almost no one does for advice when purchasing or donating a new pet.
And it'll be quite useful most of the time, and that can be corrected "baseline" before the animal and owner to acquire bad habits of feeding and management, and often allows you to save a part of the financial outlay, which can be reinvested in other items that really are necessary.
My idea is to make a small series of post on the most frequent errors with the most common pet, beginning today by the Florida turtle or red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans )
These turtles (it would more correct to say freshwater), had their boom in popularity as pets in the mid-late 80 (I had myself a little). I do not usually recommend them to anyone who asks me, as this adorable turtle:

going to turn into the other within 5-7 years, and may even grow a little more.

And what about the turtle in an aquarium crowded too small for her, kinda (because not deceived; of sea water smells really bad), and that once the initial excitement has just cornered, with no one to change the times you should? Well, the best was dying (yes, you read that right), and at worst ended up being "liberated" in the river / lake / stream near you.
Being voracious species, ecosystems accustomed to more hostile to a reptile as those encountered on the peninsula, easily displace native freshwater, Amphibians consume sunsets, etc, causing real harm to the precarious balance of the basin fauna.
And it's not just isolated individuals: There is evidence of established populations and reproduction in the wild, making it difficult to stop this disaster ... In
GREFA(Group for the recovery of native wildlife and its habitat) is engaged in collecting specimens that people can no longer keep in his house, to prevent uncontrolled loose:
View the magnitude of the problem, we decided to create obstacles to trade in the species, to avoid as far it may be repeated loose. The savvy importers soon solved this little work, going to sell instead of prohibited species, the "yellow-eared turtle ( Chrisemys picta), almost indistinguishable from the previous to the general public.

The problem has been reduced in part through environmental education "guerrilla" (in clinics, such as information from friends, from subjects in the faculties ...), but has not conducted any campaign at government and in many cases continue the uncontrolled loose.
But anyway, once the animal is in our home, and we have made clear that in no event will we release it in nature, our responsibility is to be in the best possible conditions. Although they are very resistant bugs is not a question of testing this resistance, compromising the welfare of the pet.
And we will speak first of accommodation:
In most cases (much more if the turtle is going to be for a child), the animal usually accompanied by a device similar to the picture:

With its plastic, its fancy ramps .... some even have a swimming pool in the island. And without going into the hassle involved in changing the water every two days or so that the turtle does not have room to swim properly What to do when the bug measures about 20 cm long by 13 wide?
The most suitable for all aquatic reptiles (including this one) is a aquaterrariums, with a portion of water for at least the depth of the width of the turtle, and a ground, with easy access to allow the sunlight, and a substrate which can be partially buried, and wear down their nails.
portion A water filter is a very good investment, and significantly reducing the attention we pay to the animal, which culminate in the end is cleaner. Are quite resistant to our temperatures, but ideally should also have a water heater to prevent dozing in winter.
All reptiles (especially daytime) need to sunbathe daily or have a special fluorescent reptiles to include in its spectrum UVA and UVB rays necessary for the proper synthesis of vitamin D and calcium absorption. To maintain its effectiveness this tube should be changed every 6 months.
accommodation is in the initial (I recommend that it consider the action to take the animal to its growth) we must invest more attention and money. All the money we save on food.
From here I start a blog-media campaign that it takes time to develop in veterinary clinics served by responsible:
The shrimps (Gammarus) are small freeze-dried shrimp that are sold to feed red-eared turtles (used to come in the pack next to the turtle of the Palmerita). 90% of the product is the chitinous exoskeleton (if you do not believe me, crush one between the fingers) a protein of very low biological value, lacking essential amino acids and is by no means a complete food for a reptile in the middle natural feeds fish, eggs, tadpoles, insect larvae, algae ...
But besides all this, we would be cheaper (at equal weight) to feed our turtle with caviar! (And would be more nutritious)
For your own physiology, turtles are adapted to a heterogeneous diet. Healthier for the turtle and will feed it with our pocket:
"I think the kitten. Diet is an excellent base for a lot of animals (true Pip?). At first we chop the pellets to fit into the mouth of the turtle. Then not be necessary. There are animals that consume even crisp, nothing but toss, and other expected to have softened.

-Chicken Liver. We offer it cut into pieces and using forceps. An excellent complement to avoid having to supplement the diet with vitamin supplements.

-Anchovies. For turtles and some biggie. It is important to pass over, as the head and scrapes are very important nutrients for them. I recommend giving it in a bowl apart from its housing, then very dirty.
addition, chicken meat (ideal for emergencies), mouse pups (if our scruples permitting) live food like crickets, mealworms, insects zoophobas ... never garden they may have pesticides, are a good idea as sporadic food for our turtle. The ham is not adequate: Has salt concentrations can be toxic to animals.
And remember: NO the prawns!
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