Behind this little word, incomprehensible to many, it simply hides the data collection takes the vet to start an animal's medical history.
is a process as important as the clinical examination or laboratory tests, which aims to summarize information on all spatial and temporal circumstances surrounding the pet.
And it is a phase of the clinical process in which the owner is key.
this post and then claim to be a small guide tips useful for conscientious owners with their participation in the care of your pet. Although most of them relate to dogs and cats, can be understood for any sick pet. A veterinarian will always appreciate the full details and as accurate as possible about the animal being treated.
a decision may seem banal, the person who comes to the clinic is the link between the veterinarian and the animal, and unfortunately, these do not speak. Always be the closest person, which spend more time with him and therefore we know better. In the event that it is an older child to take care of it, it should I go to the clinic himself, yes, accompanied by an adult.
This is so for two reasons: First, the animal will be more confident and calm if you trust the person who accompanies and subject. Secondly, not least because it is this person who knows the details better and is able to remember more. Although the veterinarian
wondering, should remember before going to the clinic, the following information:
obviously not necessary in the case of dogs and cats, but especially with reptiles and rare birds, and help meet the genus and species of animal, and there is not always literature specialized, and thus be more accurate treatment. AGE
know who has a dog, or months of a puppy, even if approximate, if an animal is adopted as an adult, is a valuable information for clinicians, since there are pathologies that are largely or exclusively to age. LIFESTYLE
Do you live in an apartment or a house with garden? Where do you sleep? How many times a day out? Have you recently changed your home? Have there been any drastic changes in the family you live with the animal? (Birth of a baby, loss of a person who looked after him ...)¿ Travel with your pet? "An alien? "Coexists with other animals of the same or different species? Do you brush and bathe regularly? Do you have toys? What kind? Do you use? Do you exercise regularly? How hard? How tolerate animal? Have you always been this way? Have you ever run away? In the case of parrots What room of the house is placed a cage? What is walking on it for her? ...
These and other questions about lifestyle can be carried out by the vet, it would be desirable to have clear answers. SEXUAL STATUS
Is neutered / a? How long? If not, in the case of females had When the last heat? (Nope, very important information to know when the cycle in which the animal is, or ferrets predict the severity of certain diseases and the urgency of treatment. Note the date provided) Did you have litters? How many times? How many puppies did you have? Did you have any problems in pregnancy or childbirth?
not just have to know what you eat (in the case of dogs, I know the kind of lets us know the composition of the protein, important in the treatment of food allergies) but how much. Although it is very useful as they used to mark the daily amount as this can work with accurate and not just approximate.
It is also important to mention the occasional food, the kind of goodies that are given as prizes, and generally anything that the animal has been swallowed (for example, a cat that has caught a bird has eaten part of it) . Appetite changes observed are also part of this section: Animals that eat more or less normal, they eat abnormal substances such as sand, or their own feces, or grass. (No. It is not normal for a dog "purged" . is indicative of disease) is also of course important to mention if we learn that the pet has been eating a foreign object, such as broken toys, socks, plates or bone (Very dangerous! Avoid them at all costs) Note
drink deserves. Is a key symptom and vital called polydipsia (animals who drink more than normal) in many common diseases in the clinic. If you know the information about how much an animal about 24 hours, you can detect alterations in the pattern, and also in the case of some birds and reptiles administer drugs in the drinking water with some certainty as to the dose.
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