Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Age Can Donate Blood In Mn

How evolving a complex eye from something simple? Why

In an earlier talk about Pax-6, an operator of eyes gene is present in both flies and humans, showing that genetic mechanisms to create eyes are highly conserved throughout the animal kingdom. However, do not talk about a question that perhaps many were made: How evolving a complex eye?, We let again the great biologist Richard Dawkins explain us (I recommend watching the video with high quality):

As you can see, because we have representatives present with eyes "primitive", such as snails and worms, we can easily build a line to explain how it is forming a complex eye in camera from just a "point" that only discriminates between light and dark. This solution is that many animals have come (Including us). However, other animals have come to different solutions, such as the compound eyes of insects.


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