A cat:) Today we
a relatively common disorder in cats from 2 to 6 years of age, more frequent in neutered animals and older. I have chosen to speak of why prevention is easy, but if symptoms is essential to take the animal to the office as soon as possible to keep getting worse and more difficult to treat. 66% of cases are not diagnosed.
Do you have a cat? Check how many of these claims true:
"My cat eats dry food.
"I have several cats at home.
"Several of my cats share drinker and feeder.
"I have a single tray of sand.
-Change often the mark of sand, building tenders.
-I use a brand of scented sand.
-tray is an outdoor arena.
If you answered yes to two or more of these statements, your cat is at risk of FUS. Cats are whimsical and some fans of the changes, most of the time they stressed. Stress is a predisposing factor to reduce FUS.Para very important, it is recommended to take the following measures:
"There must be at least one per cat around the house, plus one.
-must be covered (such as the image), especially if several cats live together, to prevent game / attacks while urinating.
-located in places where air-or refrigerators are not put in place Suddenly, asus Tando the animal.
"The sand should be kept clean, and the tray itself should be washed once a week with mild detergent.
"The sand should be bonding and odorless, so the cat is not going to stop because it bothers him. -Change
infrequently mark the sand, and if done, separate tray simultaneously in time with the old, so the cat can choose and get used.
"Every cat should have its own feed and water trough and privacy to use (not next to another cat)
-Food and fresh water containers
-Wash once a week with mild detergent.
-meet the same standards of tranquility for the equipment that litter trays. Change
-brand food less than once a month (in a future post we see how to do it in the least traumatic for cat and owner)
-Must have items available scratch.
-Toys should be changed regularly.
"The cat should have the choice between warm and cool areas.
-should be allowed to have places to hide.
-Must have own space to relax (basket, mat, or similar)
-Ability to play regularly with another cat or the owner.
If you are moving address, enter another animal, birth of a new family member or any other condition that may be considered stressful for your cat, consult your veterinarian to recommend a therapy with pheromones that will improve the situation your animal.
However, if you notice any of the following symptoms:
, difficulty urinating, or unsuccessful efforts
-urine red or pink-Issue
small amounts of urine, vomiting, depressed cat that does not repond to stimuli ... Take
immediately to the clinic. Preventive measures, are also of treatment, but also need drug treatment to reduce the intensity of symptoms, increase the time between episodes and in short, improve the quality of life of its kitty.
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