Although the blog still in cryptobiosis I can not help but join the initiative's Village and followed Irreducible hundreds of blogs today, October 7.
I have read dozens of reasons not to take the snip, I fully share, so let me, be original, be a little more visceral with this.
Scientists (And also those who are in the process of being) are made of some type of pasta that includes a certain masochism (vocation, some call it) as a component, which makes us very little conformandos.
Today, and Today, thousands of people working in science in more precarious conditions, and putting up with it ("research in poverty" I called my supervisor) without making a much noise, pushing, even under these conditions.
want to give it a snip to a string that already has too many broken ends, and hold many times for sheer stubbornness.
For all this, NOT CUTS Science budget, or "to invent them" (them or us there) will spread in time as a bad flu ...
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