Eating a diet high in processed foods increased the risk of depression, says a study conducted in the UK.
found that high consumption of processed products increases the risk of depression.
The study also confirms that people who eat lots of vegetables, fruit and fish are less likely to develop symptoms of the disease.
The study, conducted by scientists at the University of London, analyzed data from nearly 3,500 public employees with an average age of 55.
Each participant completed a questionnaire about their eating habits and self-analysis about their risk of depression, and these data were compared five years later with depression levels of participants.
"Our results suggest to consume fruits, vegetables and fish may protect against the development of depressive symptoms, "say the authors in the Journal of Psychiatry Brisith (British Journal of Psychiatry).
" However, a diet rich in processed meat, chocolates , sugary desserts, fried foods, refined grains and high-fat dairy products may increase the vulnerability of people to this disease, "he added.
significant differences in the research, participants were divided into two groups: those who consumed food-based diet complete, including fruits, vegetables and fish, and those who ate mostly processed food.
After taking into account factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity levels, smoking and chronic diseases, scientists have found a "significant difference" between the two diets and the risk of depression in the future .
Those who ate mostly whole foods showed a risk of future depression 26% less than those who ate less whole foods.
However, those who consumed a diet high in processed foods showcased at risk for disease 58% higher than those who ate very little processed foods.
few weeks ago, another study from Spain showed that people who ate the so-called Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish were 30% lower risk of developing depression.
But as the authors of the new research, perhaps there is a factor related to the lifestyle that has not been taken into account to explain the protective effect.
"The study (English) showed that the Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression," said Dr. Archana Singh-Manoux, an author of British work.
"But the problem is that if you live in a country like the UK, the chances of consuming a Mediterranean diet are not very high," he added.
"So we wanted to analyze a little differently the link between diet and mental health." Combined effect
According to scientists, there are several factors that could explain these results.
First, the high level of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables may have a protective effect As demonstrated in previous studies.
Folate, found in large quantities in vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach and pulses, like lentils and chickpeas could also have a similar protective effect.
Secondly, the researchers said, the high consumption of fish may protect against depression due to their high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are an important component of neuronal membranes in the brain.
Thirdly, it is possible that a whole foods diet protects against depression due to a combination of Nutrients of many different types meals, and not only the effect of a single nutrient.
Researchers believe that consumption of processed products may be associated with increased risk of depression because of the association between this diet and increased risk of coronary heart disease and inflammation, which, you know, play a role in the development of depression.
stressed, however, it is necessary to conduct further studies to confirm this link.
fact, scientists say, is that eating a healthy diet can not only generate benefits for human health and welfare, but also can be a very important tool to prevent depressive disorders in later life.
* Source: BBC World
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