Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Really man descended from apes?

Although this is a very common question, the truth is that the word" monkey "is not a scientifically valid term, it has a" solid taxonomic, and may encompass different animals depending on who issued that category.
Let the assumption that, saying "monkey" we refer to the order of primates. If so, it's not descend from monkeys, but they are cute!. I know it sounds incredible, so check the location of us (Homo sapiens) in the scientific classification:
  • Kingdom: Animalia (animals are the first thing to stress)
  • Phylum: Chordata (when we embryos have a dorsal cord, which in our case will give rise to our spine, like dogs, whales and birds)
  • Class: Mammalia (We are mammals, like bears and lions)
  • Order: Primates (we are primates, like chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos!)
  • Family: Hominidae (hominoid primates we are, "tailless monkeys" , like chimpanzees and orangutans [sounds creepy no?])
  • Gender: Homo (now we can breathe easy, chimpanzees do not belong to this genus)
  • Species: Homo sapiens (You, dear reader, belongs to this species, like all of us)
therefore say that man descended from the ape "is misleading, as it leads to think that descend today's apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, etc). That is absolutely false. What actually happens is that we (humans) share a "common ancestor" with the great apes. That means that, for us and chimpanzees, there was an animal that lived about 6 million years, which gave rise to 2 branches (these "old monkeys" diverged). One of which caused us to us. Therefore, the chimpanzees, but our "grandparents" are our "cousins." Are the animals you have more in common on this planet (98 or 99% of genetic similarity !!!). In this way, evolution does not work as a "ladder", but as a "tree" where the tips of the branches are modern animals (as we walk the tree "up", time has passed and where the branches are divided, is plotted the divergence of species). This is known as "phylogenetic tree", a very simplified version of this for our case is shown below:
Therefore, practically if descended from "monkeys", but today's apes !, but monkeys and ceased to exist, and that gave rise to the diversity of great apes of today. So when you go to a zoo to see a chimp, do not look at least as we have much more in common than we might think.

PS: I leave you a video of Richard Dawkins, where it explains in clear and simple.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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"Biological evolution is just a theory or a fact?

What if we ask someone on the street that is biological evolution?, We probably would more or less similar responses, some could be:
  • Biological evolution is just a theory that monkey come
  • is a process that improves the animals, humans reaching
  • is
  • as a theory that life began
The truth is that neither is correct, and if not expected, it happens that a theory and a fact at the same time! But how can this be?: In everyday life, the word theory means something like a guess, an idea about something not totally proven, but if it were shown, would cause a huge stir, as "theories" conspiracy Salfate .
Unfortunately, in science, the word "theory" means something radically different. In this, a theory is the highest degree of knowledge we can get on something (not forever, it can be replaced by another or simply refuted) is a mental construct that even allows to make predictions about the events studied under certain conditions, also should propose mechanisms to explain the "how" of the events studied. On the other hand, an act is simply an assertion, which would deny most chilling (Newton noted that apples fell, "denying it would be weird?). So, back to evolution, the truth is that it is a fact, a fact mainly studied by the branch of biology called "population genetics", but now the developmental biology has made great surprises (we'll discuss this another time .) Thus, biological evolution is:

"The variation in the frequencies of alleles (genes) in a population of individuals over generations"

Simply put, the fact of evolution is the change in the sampling of genes from a population of animals as they pass time, in fact, the term "allele frequency" or "allele frequency" is a term measurable mathematically models (long ago).
As mentioned above, a theory is the construct that explains the "how" of the facts, mechanisms and even make predictions. So, here is the "theory of evolution", which was originally postulated by Darwin (Actually next to Wallace), but since his nomination, has been enriched with all the new knowledge we have about genetics, molecular biology, embryology, etc. Forming a body of knowledge with great strength.
So what way the theory explains the "how" the fact of evolution?. To do this, proposed mechanisms, some proposed by Darwin and others more modern, some of which are:
  • Natural Selection Artificial selection (not applicable in nature, but to understand the origin of domestic animals)
  • Sexual Selection
  • Genetic Drift Genetic Recombination
  • Genetic Drift
  • Horizontal Gene Transfer
  • etc.
As you can see, since humans understood how genes work and the laws that govern inheritance (Darwin was not privileged), it was much easier to understand the evolution, as well as to integrate it into a major intellectual synthesis.
addition to this arsenal of mechanisms, many of which have been consistently confirmed in the laboratory, the theory can make predictions (also verifiable), such that it should look like an extinct animal, or what kind of fossils we should look at certain depths land (for this kind of predictions, biology takes her hand with geology).
As a final remark, note that the fact of evolution is never not try to explain how life originated on this planet (the theory does not cover this topic.) This is another fascinating subject, of which more later insurance.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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Welcome to my blog, discuss topics ranging from how genes can control the development of an organism, what is it and how biological evolution works, to issues of social interest, such as beliefs and vision world that everyone has. Analyzing them from different points of view. I hope
this is a contribution and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing. hopefully a contribution to Chile and the world a hug! Rulo


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Dear Mr. Gould:

Yesterday in the elevator of the metro, I almost closed the door in his face, because I read your book "Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes" (which I like even more that "The Panda's Thumb"). Well, a nice gentleman, holding the door I said, "You've been here for best friend, who never leaves you, and you always taught"
I doubt that my companion had such a good view elevator to read your name on the cover , so I gather he was referring to the book, all books, and could not agree more with him.
But besides that, its truth could also have referred to you, Stephen, because they spend years and over and over again I'm finding you ... I was eleven years old the first time my mother gave me a book of yours, and did not understand about half of the words and reasoning, but there was something I did I could not stop reading. Some years later, I did some work for school about the missing animals on wheels, and I was devouring one by one all your books. It is true that the teens I admired the spectacle of Richard, the proximity of Konrad, the teaching of Lynn ... It is true that I began to realize that you were in some things (sorry, Stephen, but it's true) a little obsoletillo, or directly wrong, but always, no how, just coming back to you, at the root of my ideas, the foundation My thought, as an adult and as a scientist.
Evolution-I, "and then rationally understood what I was in love with you, the merit of your work in essence, the ideas behind the words ... And I turned to you and your books, and your tests, looking far from a new perspective.
And, the commentary a lift, finally, can also refer to critical thinking that you taught me to use. A skeptic it is at all times, and subject to rational analysis on the world around us is also a constant learning, and here lies the main difference with religious dogmas. People always deserve respect, the ideas can (and should) be dissected with impunity using this instrument.
Anyway, it sounds a bit stale, thanks Stephen for your legacy, and thanks for making me anonymous friend reflections Groundwater)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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