Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is It Called Ruca Or Rvca

Really man descended from apes?

Although this is a very common question, the truth is that the word" monkey "is not a scientifically valid term, it has a" solid taxonomic, and may encompass different animals depending on who issued that category.
Let the assumption that, saying "monkey" we refer to the order of primates. If so, it's not descend from monkeys, but they are cute!. I know it sounds incredible, so check the location of us (Homo sapiens) in the scientific classification:
  • Kingdom: Animalia (animals are the first thing to stress)
  • Phylum: Chordata (when we embryos have a dorsal cord, which in our case will give rise to our spine, like dogs, whales and birds)
  • Class: Mammalia (We are mammals, like bears and lions)
  • Order: Primates (we are primates, like chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos!)
  • Family: Hominidae (hominoid primates we are, "tailless monkeys" , like chimpanzees and orangutans [sounds creepy no?])
  • Gender: Homo (now we can breathe easy, chimpanzees do not belong to this genus)
  • Species: Homo sapiens (You, dear reader, belongs to this species, like all of us)
therefore say that man descended from the ape "is misleading, as it leads to think that descend today's apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, etc). That is absolutely false. What actually happens is that we (humans) share a "common ancestor" with the great apes. That means that, for us and chimpanzees, there was an animal that lived about 6 million years, which gave rise to 2 branches (these "old monkeys" diverged). One of which caused us to us. Therefore, the chimpanzees, but our "grandparents" are our "cousins." Are the animals you have more in common on this planet (98 or 99% of genetic similarity !!!). In this way, evolution does not work as a "ladder", but as a "tree" where the tips of the branches are modern animals (as we walk the tree "up", time has passed and where the branches are divided, is plotted the divergence of species). This is known as "phylogenetic tree", a very simplified version of this for our case is shown below:
Therefore, practically if descended from "monkeys", but today's apes !, but monkeys and ceased to exist, and that gave rise to the diversity of great apes of today. So when you go to a zoo to see a chimp, do not look at least as we have much more in common than we might think.

PS: I leave you a video of Richard Dawkins, where it explains in clear and simple.


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